Monday, May 23, 2011

Public Radio--California

Dear Public Radio Affiliate,

I am tired of waking up and hearing "pledge now, pledge this, pledge or we won't exist". How about eliminating the pledge drive altogether? I realize that as a "public" station, that you rely on the public's generous donations, so therefore I offer an idea.

How about a "Tap-a-Thon"? I was the MC (master of ceremonies) of such an event 10 years ago when I lived in Louisiana (pre-K). You get cute "pageant type" children to go door to door asking for station donations in exchange for a tap dance. The kids don't have to have prior tap experience and of course a radio personality would accompany them to ensure their safety and sign the occasional autograph (for an extra dollar or 2 :) ). This would;

1. get people involved (community outreach)
2. get people to donate without ruining their mornings
3. get kids active
4. raise possibly millions of dollars
5. allow an elderly person to have a visitor
6. brighten somebody's day
7. empower the "little people"
8. save airwave time for more important things.
9. People are more likely to donate to children
10. some people don't own phones or computers...but do live houses.
11. get the homeless involved. tap dancing and sidewalks go together
12. spark creativity!
13. be a leader in the field of public radio pledge drives

Please let me know, if you would like me to come and speak to your staff further about this!


Joam J.