Monday, June 11, 2012

Wheat Thins

There was not a "compliments" tab, so I decided to that perhaps describing my comment as an "issue" would work best.

I recently purchased a snack sized bag of Wheat Thins (Brand Seal # 192320007980) and was overly pleased/surprised by the amount of wheat thin squares (around 20!) that it contained. I find most of the time I consume such a snack pack, there are very few and alot of air.

So thank you for making this snack pack consumption all the more enjoyable!

Forever a fan of Kraft.


Joam J.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Elevator Company

Dear Elevator Company,

I live in New York City and as I am sure you have already heard, there have been several tragedies that have taken place in elevators over the course of the past few months. I have a few questions as well as suggestions that I would love your feedback on.

1. Do some elevators come with special compartments for fire extinguishers and survival packs (food, ladders,flashlights rope etc.)?
2. What if the elevator didn't go up and down but rather zig zagged through a building? That way it would be impossible for a malfunctioning elevator to drop straight down. Right?
3. In your opinion, what is the best way to get out of an elevator if it malfunctions? In the movies there always seems to be a special vaulted ceiling that one can crawl up and out of.
4. What are your feelings on doors with motion detectors?
5. Are there elevator conventions? If so, are they held on the bottom floor or the top floor of a building?
6. Do you feel that a box shape is the best shape for an elevator? If you think of elevator consumers as "eggs" wouldn't the traditional box structure be the least effective survival rate wise?

I'm sure you are busy during this holiday season, but I would love if your could address my questions and suggestions

