Monday, March 22, 2010



Thanks for writing us, Joam.

We appreciate your taking the time to share such kind words.  We're delighted to hear you like our Charmin bear ads!  Your reaction is just what we hoped for, and your comments give us valuable input for future advertising campaigns.  I'm sharing your compliments with the rest of our team.  I'm sorry to disappoint you but we don't have any promotional bear items or autographs to send.  Please be assured I'm sharing your comments with my promotions team.

Thanks again for getting in touch with us.

Charmin Team

Hi Joam,

Thanks for taking the time to share such kind words about Charmin!  Your reaction is just what we hoped for -- I can't wait to share your comments with the rest of our team.

We appreciate your taking the time to share your suggestions for possible improvements to Charmin. While I can’t promise anything, many of our decisions to change or improve products are based on feedback from concerned consumers like you.

Thanks again for writing!
Charmin Team


Thanks for contacting Charmin, Joam.

We appreciate your interest in our products.  If you'd like, you can send your video to the following address:

Procter & Gamble
PO Box 599
Cincinnati OH 45201
Attn: Consumer Relations/03989474

Thanks again for writing.

Charmin Team


Thanks for contacting Charmin, Joam.

In North America, we use virgin wood pulp to make Charmin bathroom tissue.  We make our paper of softwood trees - pine and spruce, as well as hardwood trees - oak and maple.

Hope this helps!

Charmin Team


hanks for contacting Charmin, Joam.

We appreciate your interest in our products!  Charmin's original manufacturer was John Hoberg, a German immigrant who founded a company in his name in 1892. Charmin quickly became the most popular tissue product the Company made; and so, in 1953, the Company name was changed to Charmin Paper Mills.  P&G bought Charmin Paper Mills in 1957.  From 1957 until 1968, it was known as the Charmin Paper Company, a wholly-owned subsidiary of P&G. In 1968 Charmin and its companion paper products (Bounty, Puffs, and White Cloud) became members of P&G's Paper Products.

Although the name pre-dates P&G's ownership of the brand, the story told is that the name came from the word "Charming." Someone repeated the word using a softer pronunciation of the letters "ch," as it might be in French, and dropping the final "g."

Thanks again for writing.  Hope this helps!

Charmin Team

Thursday, March 18, 2010


guten tag!

I am so very excited to attend your conservatory. I have been preparing since my gymnasium days. I love meryl streep, julia roberts and your very funny jim carrey. They are my acting idols. I have received my itinerary but have questions on whether i should bring my sexy headshots with me or keep them at my parents house. My town is very excited that i'm coming. I was even on front page of newspaper. I have mailed you the money order.



Tuesday, March 16, 2010



I have a somewhat different question to ask. Are there any known cases of cattle with mental health issues? I believe my oldest sow who recently saw her calf off to slaughter has been incredibly moody and at times "mooing" to herself.She doesn't seem to be in touch with her reality. I know this may sound strange...but its a strange situation to deal with. None of the other cattle are acting this peculiar. I think this may be a result of losing her calf.Thoughts?

Yours in God,



Dear Charmin,

I first off want to say how much i love your toilet paper. It's the only product I trust "down there". I notice that sometimes you have faint designs in your paper. Is there a possibility to make a commemorative Michael Jackson image. I think that it would be wildly popular and a fantastic tribute to my very favorite pop idol.

Yours in God,


Dear Charmin

My mom told me that Charmin was named after the actress that played Liesl in the Sound of Music. Is this fact of fiction?

Yours in God,


Dear Charmin,

I would like to submit a short movie about a Barbie doll using Charmin. I have a barbie toilet and a few rolls of charmin toilet paper...i just need to know where I would send this video.

Yours in God,


Dear Charmin

I've noticed that there is a bear featured on your packaging. He is very cute but I fear he may attract bears to my campsite when i am out in the wilds of maine. Has this been a problem with any of your other consumers?


Dear Charmin

I love using the toilet. It's a place where I can read,talk on the phone,eat and poop in private away from my children and wife. I always use Charmin TP...I especially love the funny but loving looking bear. He has become my mentor in a way. I know it sounds rather silly...but its true. I have a photo of him on my desk. He symbolizes HOPE to me...hope to poop, hope for love, hope to dream. Can i get an autrographed photo of the bear?

Yours in God,



Dear Charmin,

I have heard that you use parts of animal testicles in your toilet paper along with trees. Is this what makes Charmin so squeezable?

Yours in God,

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Dear Snapple,

I am the president of the "BAN SNAPPLE" club at NYU. We have heard that Snapple has ties to the KKK and we think that it is false advertising to claim that your ingredients are the "best stuff on earth". Infact there is very little from the earth in your drinks. On the matter of the KKK, I cannot believe that we as Americans have allowed Snapple to be held with such high esteem. I am not afraid of you snapple. I am not afraid. Until you relinquish KKK control and put real fruit juice into your beverages my classmates and I will not consume snapple products Yours in God, Joam

Monday, March 8, 2010



My name is Joam. I am 9 years old and love reading the Harry Potter books. I pretend that sometimes I am Harry and that I can help protect people with my powers. My parents won't buy me the books because they said it is satans way of getting into our minds. they say that Hermione is a bride of satan and that ron's hair is red because of lindsey lohan who is a lesbian.

At youth group they set them on fire because they have spells and god does not like witches and warlocks. I love the books and dont want to stop reading them. I read them really late at night so that nobody finds me. If i read them will i go to hell with all the aborted babies ? I think reading is fun and that god thinks it is ok. Harry is very nice and only fights bad guys not the good guys. what do you think?

Yours in god



Dear osh bgosh,

I am a man of short stature. Ever since I was a young boy I have been wearing Osh kosh bgosh overalls. It is my "signature" look. I am now 35 years of age and have just officially outgrown your largest children's size. Do you sell clothing for little people? i need a larger size, where can I find a retailer for little people that carry the osh kosh brand? I prefer the carpenter style vs. denim. Also, I have a question i've been dying to ask. Where did the "bgosh" come from. I have an black friend who says it comes from a term used for slaves. I doubt this is true.

Yours in god



Hello Joam:

Thank you for e-mailing us. We are sorry, but we do not manufacture boy's clothing larger than a size 12 now. We wish we could help you. We do understand your need and wish we could help you more.

The word "bgosh" was born when William Pollack, bought half the company. He loved to go to Chicago for shows and one day while watching one he heard a cast member saud "b'gosh". It was catchy and trendy that the brand then became OshKosh B'gosh from there on.

If there is anything else that we can help you with please let us know.

Consumer Affairs