Friday, October 29, 2010

Dr. Laura

Dear Dr. Laura,

I was my kids dad. I just wanted to thank you for saving my marriage. I have a 15 year old daughter from a previous relationship that I had when I was a freshman in high school (live and learn!). Recently my current wife told me that she no longer wanted to be a step-mother to my daughter as my daughter is pregnant with her first child and my wife does not want to be a grandmother at the age of 26. As you can see, we have a fairly dysfunctional family unit. However, thanks to listening to your program. I learned that I need to cut ties with my daughter in order for her to have one less bad role model and sort of rebirth myself. I am now a christian man with firm values and a wife who stands by me. We are looking forward to restarting our life together and pushing control alt delete on the past. Thank you Dr. Laura, I feel free for the first time in my life to be my authentic self.

Yours in God


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