Friday, December 18, 2009


Dear Volunteer Ministers of the Church of Scientology,

I am very interested in converting to your Church. Ever since I was young I have been in awe of Tom Cruise, John Travolta and Kirstie Alley for their scientological powers. I tried reading "Dianetics" but lost my focus...and now i've had it overdue from the library since 2007 and now owe over $100 for it. I need empowerment. Help me.

Yours in God,

Joam Jeremy


Dear Joam,

You should have bought the book for $20 bucks and saved a lot of money and then you could have kept it forever!

Check out this website:

And return the Dianetics book before you get charged more. Let me know if you want to get your own copy.

Volunteer Ministers International

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